Intro to the DJ controller supplement

Can you scratch on a DJ controller with static platters?

The answer is yes, 100%. I'd actually argue it is easier in some regard because you don't have to get used to the platter spinning.

Almost all scratch techniques are identical on vinyl (moving platters) and DJ controllers/CDJs with static platters. The only difference is when you are releasing the record in either a Forward Scratch, or when doing a forward release variation of other techniques such as Flares. In most techniques, however, you are controlling the record with your hand and your hand is always resting on the record so it doesn't matter whether the platter is spinning or not.

In this introduction video, I provide a brief demo and explain what is different. I also provide a drill to help you get past the main difference quickly. I know this works because it has been over a decade since I last touched a static platter and I was able to get up to speed in the 2 hour window I had to record this course!

The subsequent tutorials focus purely on each technique (with some showing a bit of timing and variation) when performed on a static platter. Technique is the 1st stage of learning (Technique - Timing - Speed) but is the only part that would be different. The intent of this section is for you to learn the technique through demonstrations on a static platter but, once you have got the technique, I suggest you view the original episode in the main part of the course to get the full breakdown of different timings, common mistakes and how to speed up.

The truth is, you can just follow the main course. However, I have included this supplement, just in case students wanted to see technique demonstrations on gear they are more familiar with. I am also conscious that many new DJs today start on controllers and I want to support all DJs to introduce scratching into their performances.

I hope you find this supplement useful!

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